Porchlight is the largest non-profit provider of affordable housing in Madison, with 350 units across 26 sites, ranging from single room occupancy (SRO) units to family units with 1-4 bedrooms.
Porchlight also has housing programs that specialize in working specifically with Veterans and individuals with mental illness.
The Porchlight Drop-In Shelter provides emergency overnight shelter to male-identified individuals over the age of 18. Guests receive two meals per day, personal hygiene supplies, access to showers and bathrooms, and case management services. Shelter hours are 5:00pm – 8:00am, every day.
Porchlight’s Dwelling Intervention Grants & Sustenance program (DIGS) provides housing-related emergency assistance to individuals
and families in Dane County who are facing eviction and therefore at risk of becoming homeless. Additionally, DIGS offers financial
support to those who have secured affordable housing but need assistance with first month’s rent and security deposit.
The Veterans Transitional Housing Program (VTHP) is a Grant and Per Diem collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Located on Spring Street, VTHP is a 24-bed, single-room occupancy, transitional program for single men who are military Veterans and are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.
Safe Haven is a day shelter for adults with mental illness on Madison’s east side. Shelter guests have access to two meals per day, showers, laundry, bus tickets, mail, and phone services. Safe Haven also provides housing-focused case management and crisis stabilization services funded through Medicaid. Staff specializes in building rapport with vulnerable individuals who may not otherwise engage in mainstream services.