The Sheboygan County Senior Dining has three Senior Dining sites in the county including Bethany Reformed Church -
Monday thru Friday. They are warm, welcoming places for adults age 60 and over to socialize and enjoy tasty, nutritious noon meals with other individuals of similar ages and interests. Each site has a variety of daily programs and activities. There is a friendly manager on site who is knowledgeable about senior services and can offer important information, services or referrals.
To be eligible for the senior dining program, a person must be:
Age 60 or older
Any spouse who attends the dining site with their spouse who is age 60 or older
A disabled individual who resides at home with an eligible older individual participating in the program
The suggested donation is $5.00 for the meal; however, no one will be turned away because of an inability to contribute. Menus and program activities are published in the ADRC Connection Newsletter. Meal reservations are required in advance, by noon the prior weekday. For general information call 920-467-4100. To reserve a meal call the meal site directly.