The Gathering Place is a nonprofit adult activity center in Milton, WI. Adults participate in activities, classes, programs, trips and receive services. Programing is not limited to just “seniors”. The Gathering Place strives to have activities that fulfill the needs of all adults.
The Gathering Place is a Golden Diners meal site. The Rock County Council on Aging would like to update you on the dining center meals. To attend the noon meals you must be 60 years of age or older but a spouse of any age may attend with you. The suggested donation is $4.00. If you are under 60 years of age you must pay $11.73 per meal. Questions please call 757-5472. Reservations are required and must be made by noon the prior business day by calling 757-5474.
Activities available include: Aero-toning, Armchair Aerobics, Pinochle, Euchre, Bridge, Computer classes, Music Variety, Current Events, Ceramics, Blue Notes Chorus, Yoga, Pool, Dominoes, Rubber Stamping, Garden Club, Knitting/Crochet, Sing-Alongs, quilt tying, movies, Bingo, Scrapbooking, Book Club, Fishing Club, Zumba, and special events and classes which are offered monthly.
Membership is not required to participate in our activities, but the support of members is appreciated. The 2014 fee is $25.00 for individuals and $40.00 for a couple. You do not have to be a senior or a resident of Milton to be a member. We are not offering new Lifetime memberships this year, however, all current lifetime memberships will always be valid.