This office offers many informational sessions on parenting, budget counseling and family financial management, and nutritional education. Contact office for current sessions. There is also a CD-Rom at the Brewer Library and the UW-Richland Library titled PARENTING WISELY - this may be checked out or used at the library. The Nutrition Education Program (Contact for this service is Danielle Varney) offers services such as: assistance with spending and saving plan to increase food security; education about choosing and preparing affordable, healthy foods for any age group (infancy-older adults); and information about food safety, food storage and sanitation.
Health, Families & Finances
Division of Extension programs enrich families and strengthen communities. Backed by university research, we work for Wisconsin families by:
Helping communities respond to issues such as childhood obesity, financial security, and aging.
Providing leadership for policies that help children, youth and families succeed.
Increasing knowledge about parenting, health and nutrition.
Offering consumers and families more strategies for managing their money.
Reaching out to diverse families with education and resources.
Using cost effective approaches to reduce negative family issues and build more resilient families.