Books & Materials -
The library connects users to over one million library items through the MORE shared system. Today registering for a library card means more than just great books. DVDs, music CDS, video games, magazines, audio books, e-books e-subscriptions and on-line databases and magazines and juvenile braille books can also be checked out with your library card. It also provides online access to databases such as Ancestry Library Edition, Heritage Quest, Auto Repair Reference Center, and Novelist Plus. Explore the possibilities!
Community Education -
The library hosts a wide range of programs for life-long learning at any age. From author visits to computer classes to teen cooking and musical acts, library programs are an essential piece of community vitality.
Technology -
Library staff will make copies for you. A fee of 10 cents per page for black and white and 25 cents for color will be charged. Cash or check only, please.
Fax Machine
Library staff will send and receive faxes for patrons. A fee of $1.00 for the first page and 25 cents for every page after will be charged. Cash or check only, please.
Computers and Printer
We have six computers available for public use -- four desktops and two laptops. Computer 2 has an attached scanner. All computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. When the desktop computers are all in use, a waiting list is established. There is a limit of 30 minutes, which can be extended to 1 hour if no one is waiting. The laptops can be checked out at the circulation desk by anyone over 18 years of age with a valid library card and are for in-library use only. Printer use is 10 cents per page for black and white copies and 25 cents per page for color.