The Long Term Care Ombudsman responds to complaints and problems of residents or recipients of long term care, such as care in nursing homes, community-based residential facilities and services of the Community Options Program.
Working with agencies, residents and families, the ombudsman investigates and resolves problems, provides information, referral and consultation and works with licensing, certification, and other enforcement agencies to improve the quality of care in long term facilities and programs.
The ombudsman can help with concerns and problems about the quality of long term care provided; facility residents' rights; personal needs allowance; physical abuse and neglect; dietary needs; financial issues (i.e. billing, government benefits, financial exploitation); physical or chemical restraints; facility transfer and discharge issues; privacy and confidentiality; and denial of community services.
The ombudsman can help with questions like:
What are some alternatives to nursing home placement?
How can you pay for long term care?
When should power of attorney or guardianship be initiated?
How do you go about finding the appropriate community-based services?
Do residents have the right to refuse treatment?