Services Offered: Long Term Care Support, Develpmental Disabilities, Children & Family Services including Child Protection, Birth to Three Program, Family Support Program, Adult Service Program, Children with Disabilities, Adult Protective Services, Economic Assistance, Mental Health Care and Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse. Certifies in-home child care providers and maintains a list of licensed and certified day care providers in Taylor County. Call for list. 24-hour crisis line available. Offers alcohol abuse counseling, assessment, prevention, and intervention service. Referral for inpatient ATOD treatment is available as well as aftercare. An approved facility for the intoxicated Driver Assesment. Call for information.
General Relief, Fuel Assistance, Medicaid/Badger Care, Food Share, W-2 Program, and Wisconsin Shares Program. 24-hour Crisis Line.
The Long-Term Support Unit provides community-based services under the Community Options Program (COP) and Medical Assistance Waiver program to persons with long-term care needs who may otherwise require institutional care. The Alzheimer's Family Caregivers and Support Program provides assistance to families of those with Alzheimer's Disease. Investigations of allegations of elder abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Foodshare and emergency food assistance. Call for information on eligibility requirements.
Foster Care - Adults - Certifies one and two bed adult family homes to provide foster care to adults who are disabled or elderly and unable to live alone. Placements are facilitated and supervised. Children - Handles foster home licensing and child foster care placement. Call for more information.
Provides funding and coordination of home care services under the Community Options Program (COP) and various Medical Assistance Waiver Programs for elderly, physically disabled, developmentally disabled, and chronically mentally ill residents of Taylor County.
Provides the following services through their Mental Health/Alcohol and other Drug Abuse unit; individual, marital, family counseling, and psychotherapy, psychological evaluations, community support program for people with severe and persistent mental illness, and in-patient psychiatric treatment. An in-home treatment program is available upon referral. 24-hour Crisis Line.
Main: (715) 748-3332