The Stockbox Program is a free box of food from the federal government that is given to people 60 and older who have a 2022 monthly income of $1,473 or less (single) or $1,984 or less (2 person household) or add $512 for each additional household member. The Stockbox food items will help to stretch your monthly food supply. Delivered to many senior housing sites.
The Stockbox food is purchased by the United States Department of Agriculture, and is filled with Grade A, wholesome foods. The box comes pre-packed from The Hunger Task Force in Milwaukee, WI. Stockbox is available on the first Wednesday of a full week in the month. The pick-up location is the Watertown Senior & Community Center, located at 514 S. First Street, Watertown between 10am and 11am.
To receive a Stockbox, you are required to provide accurate information of full name, date of birth, monthly income, current address and phone number. For quetions or more information about the Stockbox Program, please contact Rick Lewandowski
at 414-777-0483.