This is a nine month pre employment program for people with disabilities who want to enroll in the Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) but who are not yet employed. Individuals must apply for MAPP at their county economic support agency before applying for Health & Employment Counseling (HEC). An individual who meets the eligibility requirements for MAPP, but is not yet working may begin the HEC application process by completing an employment plan. The employment plan can be obtained through the local county economic support office or by contacting the HEC regional screener. The employment plan is designed to help an individual outline a plan to achieve employment within nine to twelve months and is divided into four main sections: career planning; employment barriers assessment; benefits counseling; networking with community resources. The HEC regional screener will review the employment plan and determine if employment is feasible within nine to twelve months. If the plan is complete, the HEC regional screener will submit the plan to the Department of Health Services for final approval. Individuals will receive a letter from the Department of Health Services notifying them of enrollment in the HEC program.