PWSA of WI, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support, educate and advocate for persons with PWS, their families and professionals in meeting the challenges of this disability
The primary number to call is toll free, (866) 797-2947. Our staff can assist you with your questions and concerns. They will provide you with guidance, support and information about Prader-Willi Syndrome as well as resources in your area. If further consultation or training is needed, they will evaluate your needs.
We ask for mileage reimbursement for your on-site trainings/consultations. If unable, we still provide services. Annual membership dues are $25 and scholarships are available.
2-3 support meetings per year.
Services provided include:
*Pamphlets and information materials across the state at conferences/workshops
*Newsletter 4 times per year
*Provides one social outing per year for persons with PWS, and their families
*Acts as advocate for persons with PWS by participating in residential and educational planning meetings, providing phone consults, and sharing correspondence that assists in educating those who support these individuals
*Sponsors trainings and conferences
*Connects families and professionals to resources available in their community
*Participates in committees and coalitions which support the needs of persons with PWS
* Provides 2-3 camp scholarships/year
*Provides economics support through a General Assistance Fund