Eight dining centers located throughout the county provide a hot, nutritious noon meal along with activities and fellowship. Participants must be age 60 or older (a spouse and/or caregivers of any age who attend with the participant are welcome as well).
An initial registration is required by calling prior to noon the day before attending the meal site of your choice. Suggested donation is $3.50/meal.
Coloma Community Center
155 Front St, Coloma WI 54930
(715) 228-3145
Serves at 12 pm - Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri - Closed Tuesdays
Plainfield Senior Center
114 W Clark St, Plainfield WI 54966
(715) 335-6735
Serves at 11:45 am – Mon thru Fri
Redgranite Civic Center
202 Pine River St, Redgranite WI 54970
(920) 290-5918
Serving 12 pm – Mon thru Fri
Waushara-Wautoma Senior Center
W8220 Cottonville Ave, Wautoma WI 54982 (920) 647-6564
Serves at 12 pm Mon thru Fri
Hancock Community Building
420 Jefferson St., Hancock WI 54943
(715) 249-5872
Serves at 11:45 am - Mon thru Fri
House Next Door (First Lutheran Church)
W2306 Prospect, Poy Sippi WI 54967
(920) 647-0066
Serves at 12 pm – Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs - Closed Fridays
Saxeville Town Hall
W4022 Archer Ave, Saxeville WI 54976
(920) 647-0667
Serves at 12 pm Mon and Wed ONLY
Wild Rose Community Center
500 Wisconsin St, Wild Rose WI 54984
(920) 622-3835, Extension 3
Serves at 12 pm Mon thru Fri
Intake procedure: Meal reservation must be phoned in to the dining center manager or to Dept. of Aging at 920-787-6649 or toll-free at 877-364-5344 before attending.