Provides a wide variety of materials in print, microfilm and electronic formats, including books, newspapers, e-books, magazines, pamphlets, Wisconsin statutes, and genealogical material. Collection also includes books on CD, art prints, music CD's, movie DVD's and computer and video games.
Trained staff are on duty to answer reference and information questions for walk-in, telephone or e-mailed inquiries. HEALTH, HOW-TO, CAREERS, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, SMALL BUSINESS, PARENTING, SPORTS, INVESTING, AUTO REPAIR, ARTS, CRAFTS, LAW, DIVORCE, WILLS, CIVIL SERVICE TESTS, and TRAVEL are all available.
Children and family services include:
* Baby, toddler, preschool, and family and bi-lingual storytimes
* Adult literacy resources
* Family programs
* Summer and seasonal library programs
* Media center with computers
* Readers services
* Book clubs
Homebound programs include:
* Reference and information & referral services
* Home delivery of library resources for seniors and handicapped (large print books, magnifiers, book holders, lap boards, signature cards, audio books on CD, described DVDs, low vision games, DVDs)
Special services include:
* Wisconsin collection
* Hmong and Spanish language book and AV collections
* Public-use computers for word processing, internet, electronic searching
* Computer and Internet training
* Gates Computer Learning Lab
* Coin-operated photocopy machine
* Coin-operated microfilm and microfiche reader/printer
* Interlibrary loan (for materials located outside of V-Cat Consortium library collection)
* Reserve system (to place a hold on an item currently in use)
* Meeting rooms
* U. S. Passport Acceptance Service
* Test proctoring
* Public fax service
* Headquarters for Marathon County Literacy Council
Drive-up window on building's west side for dropping off items and picking up items on hold or resources requested at least an hour in advance and paying library fines and fees. Window is staffed Mon.-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Items may be dropped off at any time.
The Marathon County Public Library is also the local contact for the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. This Federal program provides "Talking Books" and players free to visually impaired, and to qualified physically impaired, persons.
Branches are located in Athens, Edgar, Hatley, Marathon City, Mosinee, Rothschild, Spencer, and Stratford.