Easter Seals provides services to children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities or special needs. These services include:
*Self-Employment Services program helps entrepreneurs with disabilities research their business idea and create a business plan to pursue self-employment.
*Farm Program helps farmers continue to farm or return to farming with a disability, injury, or chronic illness or condition.
*Camp Wawbeek and Respite Camp, located in Wisconsin Dells, provide year-round camp and respite programs for children and adults with physical, cognitive, and all disabilities. Weekend and one-week program are offered, serving campers from every county in the state. Respite Camp provides 1:1 care for campers with severe and multiple disabilities. Camp Wawbeek provides 2:1 care in small groups. Special programs are offered for veterans and family members, young adults in transition, and children and teens with high-functioning autism.
*Disability HelpLine of Outagamie County, Appleton, provides information and referral, funding for disability-related equipment, parent support groups, a group for teens with physical disabilities, and more.