Services: Library cards are free for residents and visitors to the area. Some other services are online catalog, public use computers, Wireless Internet, library fax services, public copier, the library limo, the library page, channel 4 community calendar and the meeting room. Call for more information.
Library Limo
Who is Eligible for the Library Limo?
You must be an Oneida County resident living within 20 miles of Three Lakes and who is:
homebound, or physically limited, which makes it difficult to get to the library, and would like library materials on a regular basis.
What Items Are Available?
Homebound patrons have the same access to materials as other patrons: check out books, videos, DVDs, books on cassette, books on CD, or musical CDs. We also have large print books available. As long as items are not on hold, all items may be renewed twice.